Makeup Haul ❤️

So my sister was in the states for the last month so took advantage of that situation and asked her to get me some things 😋

 So I’ve been obsessed with liquid lipsticks so the ones I got are the Nyx Lip Lingeries (bedtime flirt, teddy and honeymoon) Anastasia liquid lipstick (potion) , Kat von D’s liquid lipsticks (double dare and lolita) , Mac cosmetics Halsey lipstick (because I love her 😍) , colourpop liquid lipstick (beeper) and she also gave me these two sample lipsticks from Marc Jacobs (240 so rouge) and makeup forever lipstick ( artist natural) .

 The big purchases were these two beauties right here , the famous and trendy  Kylie Jenner lipkit in posie k and Marc Jacobs #instamarc contour powder.

I’m super excited to try everything and reveiw them ❤️ please let me know if you want a reveiw on anything mentioned.

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